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From I-10 Eastbound (from Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley):
Exit at 4th Street, turn right and proceed East. Turn left at Grove Avenue. After 2nd stop light (“G” street), turn right into church parking lot on Southwest corner.


From I-10 Westbound (from high desert and San Bernardino):
Exit at Vineyard, turn left and proceed South. Turn right at “G” Street. Turn left at Grove Avenue, turn right into church parking lot on Southwest corner.


From 60 freeway (from Riverside and Orange County):
Exit Grove Avenue and proceed North. After several miles, church will be on left. Be sure to turn into parking lot before reaching “G” street.

Lord's Day Meetings

Sunday School 10:00am

Worship Service 11:00am

Communion and Evening Worship 5:00pm

First Sunday of Each Month

Communion Service 10:00am
Worship Service 11:00am
Fellowship Luncheon 1:00pm
No Evening Service

Regular Service Times Will Resume After Remodel

Lord's Day Meetings

Sunday School 10:00am
Worship Service 11:00am
Communion & Evening Worship 5:00pm

Regular Service Times Will Resume After Remodel

First Sunday of Each Month

Communion Service 10:00am
Worship Service 11:00am
Fellowship Luncheon 1:00pm
No Evening Service

Contact Us

1168 East G Street
Ontario, CA 91764


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